
Controversy Over Book Removal Requests in Wisconsin Schools

Education ·

More than 100 Wisconsin school districts -- 1 in 4 -- fielded inquiries about books or formal requests to remove them since 2020, according to a review of records obtained by Wisconsin Watch. Most requests came from organized conservative groups and politicians rather than organic requests from concerned parents. The book 'Gender Queer' by Maia Kobabe, which explores gender and sexuality with sexually explicit graphics, drew the most challenges. Wisconsin is identified as a hotbed for book challenges, with experts pointing to partisan tactics in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

The records show that 165 unique requesters raised questions about or sought to remove 1,617 books across 106 Wisconsin school districts between Jan. 1, 2020, and Oct. 13, 2023. Districts removed or restricted books in 190 instances, with southeast Wisconsin districts being the most active. Notable titles like 'All Boys Aren't Blue' and 'Lucky' were among the most restricted or removed books.

The removal requests were often facilitated by organized conservative groups and national political lists. Conservative media also played a role in sparking removal requests in some districts. The controversy over book removal requests in Wisconsin schools has highlighted themes related to identity, LGBTQ+ issues, and racial storylines. 'Gender Queer' was the most targeted book in Wisconsin and was also prominently challenged nationally. The ongoing debate raises questions about censorship, education, and community values in the state's public school system.

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