
Connections Puzzle No. 392: July 7 Edition

Technology ·

Today's Connections puzzle, No. 392, for July 7, presented puzzlers with 16 words to group into four categories. The goal is to find connections between the words and place them in the correct groups. The hints provided ranged from easy to challenging, guiding players through the process of deciphering the links between the words.

The yellow group focused on changing states of matter, with answers like condense, freeze, melt, and vaporize. The green group centered around the theme of replacement, featuring words like alternate, backup, cover, and sub. The blue group delved into slangy names for professions, including copper, hack, shrink, and suit. Lastly, the purple group revolved around Mariah Carey number one hits, with answers like Fantasy, Hero, Honey, and Someday. Players navigated through the hints and clues, attempting to correctly categorize the words to win the game.

While some found success in deciphering the connections, others faced challenges and had to resort to trial-and-error methods. The puzzle offered a mix of fun and brain-teasing elements, keeping players engaged and entertained. As the game concluded, players reflected on their strategies and outcomes, sharing their experiences and insights. The Connections puzzle continues to be a popular and engaging feature, challenging players to think critically and creatively. Stay tuned for more puzzle updates and hints in the future.

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