
Nike Discontinues Adapt App for Self-Lacing Sneakers

Technology ·

Nike has announced that it's 'no longer creating new versions of Adapt shoes.' The Adapt BB mobile app used to control the self-lacing sneakers will disappear from app stores next month. Owners can still use physical buttons on the sneakers to control basic functions, but advanced features like adjusting shoe lighting will no longer be accessible. The decision to retire the app highlights the challenges of maintaining smart apparel long-term. Nike's Adapt line, which introduced self-lacing technology to a wider audience, will no longer see new developments.

Despite the discontinuation of the app, existing users can continue to use preset features and adjust tightness on their Adapt BB sneakers. Nike's move reflects a shift away from smart apparel development, emphasizing the need for sustainable product support in the tech industry. The company's decision marks the end of an era for self-lacing sneakers, with the future of adaptive footwear now uncertain.

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